Commission journalists worldwide

Get access to Hostwriters global network of journalists for your newsroom! Hostwriter now connect editors with journalists all over the world who are ready to fact-check, research and report from their regions.

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Why join Hostwriter for Publishers?

Publishers can spread calls for pitches and contact journalists directly from our network. You set the specifics, whether a multimedia, audio or video piece, fact-checking or reportage.

Our members represent a broad spectrum of expertise, from environmental and science journalism, to investigative reporters and documentarians. We have award-winning international correspondents and hard-hitting local reporters.

Hostwriters network is free to join for journalists and applicants are verified as journalists through our internal vetting process. On Hostwriter, journalists can connect for advice, collaboration or accomodation, and share opportunities and tips.

How much does Hostwriter for Publishers cost?

The Hostwriter network is free to use, both for editors and journalists. To support quality journalism in times of environmental crisis and diminishing funds in the media sphere, Hostwriter has decided to enable publishers to access its diverse network of local journalists around the globe. We only ask that editors pay journalists for their work.

If you need extra outreach such as targeted emails and social media outreach in our channels for your requests, get in touch with our team at, we can assist you further for a small fee.


Hostwriter for Publishers is made possible through the Display Europe project, funded by the European Commission.

The Display Europe publishers can access a dedicated internal publishers space here (link).